Serial Killer Substitute?! (5/19/10 Day-19)

A Day in the Life... Watching American Idol while eating Smores. Awesome.

So, today I did basically nothing in school, since most of my grade was out, due to having to make their Confirmation.

I also had a serial killer as my substitute for Computer Class.

Well, she wasn't really a serial killer... hopefully... but she had that soft, creepy, 'I'm-Going-To-Chop-You-Up-Like-Sushi' type voice. She also kept leaning over everyones shoulder and sighing dramatically.

Freaky. As. Hell.

My friend Maria and I were convinced we were going to be killed. She told me if she comes after us, she's hiding behind me.

I have amazing friends.

Ever have those kids that you see all the time, yet never talk to? Well, this kid, Matt, is that kid to me. We have almost every period together, yet we never speak. We are now like brother and sister, ha ha.

Oh, God! Another thing! Ever be accused of lying when you really aren't? This girl, Desiree, asked me why I like 3oh!3 because she hates them, and because I had on a sweat jacket and a necklace that was the 3oh!3 symbol on. I told her that I didn't really love them, I just like the colors on the jacket and I thought the necklace was cool. She continued to make me feel like a liar as she kept going on about it.


1.) How was your day?
2.) Ever have those two things happen to you?
3.) Do you like 3oh!3?
4.) Anyone watch Chelsea Lately besides me? ha ha.

May 20th, 2010 at 03:27am