
I don't know why, but I have an obsession with this name: Caprica. Ever since I've watched the movie, and I find myself putting it down as my name once in a while, (on things like domino score sheets and stuff like that). But I really hate to lose my name.

I've been Shallow Bay Rising since... forever. It's the name that I've grown accustomed to when writing, and wouldn't really want to change it. But something inside makes me want to change.

I think I might, even for a little while, but I'm afraid of losing my name. What if someone else finds that my name is available and then uses it? And what if I can never get my name back?

Pointless, I know. But this is my journal and I find this to be a recurring topic on my mind.

And while I'm at it, does anyone know how to make a profile layout? I want one like my "This Wasn't What You Wanted... Was It" story layout.

If anyone has any help on that part, I'll greatly appreciate it. And I'll comment 5 stories for your help in making a layout.

Please, and thank you so much!
May 20th, 2010 at 08:18pm