"It's your life, fuck up and you're the only one to blame." Is what I said to my (ex)boyfriend last week.

Well, it turns out I should have listened to my own damn advice/words of wisdom.

I just broke up with my boyfriend, and I'm not sure if I should be crying, deleting texts/ pictures from him, be happy, or just live life as it was before when I was single /:

This sucks.

What I'm going to miss most is just the title of being "taken". Pathetic, huh?

I knew this was coming, though. We've been arguing non stop for at least 4 days. It was bound to happen....

I think I just need to preocupy myself with things to get him off my mind.

This is just basicly thoughts of what I should do now. If you have any suggestions, please tell me.


Oh, quick qestion. Is there even a spell check anymore? Because if there is, mine is not showing up on my screen, that is why my spelling is so bad.
May 21st, 2010 at 12:06am