The Bunny on the Moon UPDATE

I am currently in a very deep, deep writer's block with The Bunny on the Moon. I'm sorry I haven't been posting in a while but I've read through the chapters I have already written and found a whole slew of continuity errors and altogether uninteresting scenes. I had taken a few months planning the story out and now I'm wondering if maybe I should have planned for a few more. I'm trying my hardest, though.

In other news, I've started another Joker story to satisfy your thirt, dear reader. It's without a title just yet but once I come up with one, I shall post it.

I've also started an original story based off my own experiences. I know a lot of readers don't typically like true stories, or original stories for that matter, but I feel this particular experience would make for a good book. I won't tell you what it's about yet, just like the Joker story, but I will tell you the end of the OS has yet to happen. I will most likely finish the story with a fictional ending before I know the true ending.

I will not leave you hanging like a booger, dear reader. I'm on Mibba twice a week around 2:00pm. I suspect I'll tell you what the stories are about next Tuesday.
May 21st, 2010 at 08:29pm