Today and yesterday

so yesterday i had to do a scene of Romeo and Juliet for open house. I was juliet and there wasent as many people as we expected but there was alot. I say it went preety well scince there was only 4 people who showed up for the whole damn thing.

Its been a good day. Michelle and I got to hang out without having any akward silences. I think its just a matter of me being happy in order for it not to be akward. Im never really around her because shes always making me smile but today i am very sad. Its been 8 months scince my sweet noobie killed himself. I miss him alot! everything seems to be crumbling down around me and hes not here to help me through this. I hate it.

And I cant believe my friend Missael. I was supposed to be a dama for my friend Susana's quince and while I was about to reherse the lines for Romeo and Juliet he comes up to me. "You've been voted off the island" and ofcourse im gonna ask what he's talking about and all he had to say was, "I knew you would say that. " He just said it like I would ask what he was talking about because im stupid. Well ofcourse im not gonna know what he's talking about because he came out of no where. and he said that all the damas and chambelanes voted and im not in the quince anymore. I talked to my friend susana and she said she dident make the decition...wait but now that i think about it...if she wanted me to be in her quince she woulda said something about it instead of letting them supposedly vote me out. I asked all of the damas and chambelanes if they really voted and none of them knew this happened. So i dont know what to do about the situation. help?
May 21st, 2010 at 10:34pm