

Did you guys click the link? You should. It's awesome.

No, really. Click it. It won't hurt, I promise.

... cliiiiiick itttt!


Wow, I'm a loser.

Anyways, for those unfortunate fools (no offense!) who decided to actually not click the link, this is what you were missing out on:


Now, some of you might be all "well, so what? It's just a Google sign that is absolutely spectacular. What's the big deal?"

Well, my naive little friends.. You can play it. You heard (read?) me correctly.

So go. Click the link. Frolic in the pacman-y-ness that is the Google Logo.

Oh, and happy 30th Anniversary to PacMan! :]

did I really just write a journal about this?
May 22nd, 2010 at 01:51am