The Countdown Begins..Questions and Possible Whoring Opportunities

So if you read most of my journals then you'll know that the countdown for the start of my blog has begun. I'm literally itching to start..

The official date to start is the 6th of June. If you want to read more info, then check out this previous journal entry. It basically goes over my entire I idea of writing a blog for 365 days a year..
There is also this journal entry which is an updated version of the other one. It has a clearer idea of what I want to post.

I'll probably end up writing two blogs that day. One sort of intro blog and one telling people about my day.. I know this sound so planned but trust me after about a week or so it will become more natural. I just want to get into the jist of things for now.

I would have written this blog on Mibba, but I feel like there are a lot of restrictions and I want to keep this journal section separate from that blog.

I have already set up the account although there isn't anything written yet.. It is
I would love you for following me:)

I'm in the mood for a good read:)
Pretty much anything written well. I'm not overly fussy. I'm in the mood for something original.
If you really want to wow me then a horror/sci-fi kind of thing would suit my fancy today..
It would also be nice if you guys would check out my stories to.. preferably
Rose Garden &&
When Words Fail Music Speaks.

Question Time
Alright here are some questions
1. Where is your favourite place in the entire world?
2. Have you ever eaten a crayon?
3. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
4. What are you listening to right now..?

Lol, those questions are random.. I got them off of this website. Anyway.
Thanks for reading :)
May 22nd, 2010 at 06:05am