Diary of an Army Wife 4

So I haven't put anything up in a couple days. I don't know what to say at this moment. It's hard to come up with stuff sometimes. While your significant other is away sometimes its just alot of time for you to try to find yourself. I know who I am and what I'm about pretty well I think. Especially for a 19 year old that hasn't started college yet. I know that I honestly can't stand half the people of our generation. Or at the very least the ones that get on tv and portray themselves as these spoiled idiotic kids that can't pull their heads out of the asses. It's completely ridiculouse how some of these people are. On that one MTV show "16 and pregnant" some of these girls kill me. I completely get that its hard I know several people that similar situations happened to but goodness some are just idiotic. Once you have sex you need to be prepared something could go wrong. And when something does you are no longer just 16 and its no time to grow up. Or at least act 16 and not like your 12 and mommy grounded you. I know I'm ranting a tad but when your home alone you have alot of time to think.
I know when me and my husband were just in high school and were only dating we got hella lucky. And I can honestly look back to high school say I was a complete dumb ass when it comes to alot of crap I did. If my mom knew I'd get the crap beat outa me. But I believe that I can say that and admit it out loud it shows I've grown up (atleast) enough.
I feel so old and young at the same time it drives me alittle crazy at times. I just don't know anymore. You know I feel like thats my motto this year. "I just don't know". But I guess it's those things you don't really know that you deal with anyways that make you grow up. When you don't know how you'll make it but you just know you have to then you start acting like a big kid. And sometimes being a big sucks major ass but we all gotta do it anyways.

May 22nd, 2010 at 07:56am