To my readers...

So Mibba has somehow blocked my IP address or something and I can no longer sign in on my computer, I'm currently on my phone.

Unfortunately i can no longer update my stories and frankly, I'm fed up with it so I'm (slowly) rewriting and moving all of my stories to and leaving Mibba behind.

I happen to like Hyperboards more anyway, although it's not as organized and fancy looking as Mibba, there's less censoring and more readers.

Anyway, if you're still interested in reading my fan fiction, lurk my Hyperboards page for updates; eventually all of my stories will be on there.

that should go to my profile on JonasFic.
If you are a Joick fan, there are plenty of stories on there that are worth reading, so check it out :)

hope to see some of you there!
May 22nd, 2010 at 06:19pm