Why do you (or don't you) believe in god?

Let me start this journal by saying I am not hating on your religion. I am agnostic and feel that in the future I will be an atheist.

I'll tell you why I believe there may not be a god in a short simple summary, or else it would go on forever. I have a very open mind but first of all I just can believe that any one can or could walk on water. Not even Jesus. I know there's this thing called 'faith' which is what religious people have, but I clearly don't have it. Second, I know there is a lot of bad in the world. Too much. I just think that if there were a god he'd take some control of this planet. How is it Gods Will to be raped, murdered, or even beaten to death when you're an infant? Why would god want that to happen to someone? Is that really what a god would want for his people? And even though I just said there is a lot of bad in this world I don't believe there is the devil. It's people being people. There's a lot of sick fucks. Saying it's the work of satan isn't an excuse. Also, a lot of church's are corrupted. Why would god let his priests molest innocent alter boys? I mean come on, seriously!

Another subject is free will. That doesn't make any sense to me. How can we have free will when god has our whole lives planned out for us? Doesn't that contradict it's self? This also brings me back to the point of rape. Sorry, it's a strong subject for me. Why would god plan on having someone getting raped?

Okay I'm done rambling. Sorry if this offended anyone. I really didn't intend to.

Now why do you or don't you believe in god?
Please keep this civil.
May 22nd, 2010 at 09:19pm