Let's all bask in the glory that is the Bamboozle Roadshow

Bamboozle Roadshow. Sigh. SO much to say. Here is the play-by-play.

Connor couldn't go. Which sucked. But we recovered. In line we saw this All Time Low super fan. She had the necklace, shoes, tee shirt, wirstband, two bracelets and a sweatband. We heard her talking to her dad, asking if they could sign her hair. Except all of her items were Nothing Personal related. I then decided (and will later decide again) that I am the only true All Time Low fan left.

Blah Blah Blah... bought some stuff at some tents... saw Mercy Mercedes play...

I also bought All Time Low 'Straight to DVD' at the Glamour Kills tent 4 DAYS before it came out. Good thing I follow GK model/merch guy Vinny Vegas on twitter:)

Met a TON of people and got them to sign my shirt. I met Breesays, Jac Vanek, Cady Groves, Jordan Witzigreuter from The Ready Set, everyone from The Downtown Fiction, and... of course... for the fifth time... Vinny Vegas.

Midway through we met up with two girls from our school. We're not really the closest of friends, but it was a good time. Everyone is different when not under shool influence.

One of the best parts had to be when we met Worth our While (this local band) they were gving people CD's for five dollars. We must've looked CUTE because they gave us each a CD for free! We met with them a couple time later into the night and they gave us their names and told us to add them as friends on facebook. I'm stoked. The one guy, Jonathan, looks like a mini- Alex Gaskarth.

Speaking of Alex Gaskarth...

The one girl we met up with was like "How can we meet All Time Low?" So I reply; "Well last time I was here, there was this alley where all the tour buses park. We could probably see a few people walking around. Sure enough, within a few minutes they were in plain sight. The alleyway was teporarily unguarded so we ran through, shouting "JACK! JACK!". Inevitably, we drew some attention to ourselves and were sent back to watching from a distance. Still, we saw every band member at least twice. Zack did NOT wave. Rian waved. Alex dramatically waved. Jack awkwardly gave a peace sign. I think you know which two we are upset with.

Then we left the alley, saw some bands, bought some stuff, got some signatures.

Best Part EVER: Walking across the lawn, I saw a familiar shaved head accompanied by a white V-neck. IT WAS RIAN DAWSON. In plain sight, with no swarmning fans. Again, I repeat that I am the only remaing true All Time Low fan left because, wow!, I know the other band members beside Jack! What a concept! Anyway, I say (not loud to avoid attracting a crowd.) "THAT"S RIAN DAWSON." The three other girls and I ran towards him. Then I fell.


So we go "RIAN." and he whips around. He replies "Sorry guys, I can't stop, I've gotta go meet my family. Sorry." Wow. Notice that he said sorry, TWICE. He's so sweet.

This may seem trivial that I was blown off by a 'famous' drummer, and it would be if it wasn't me we were dealing with. I have been to five All Time Low concerts. I have bought all the CD's, all the shirts, I've seen all the Youtube videos, all the Unplugged Specials. I know every members birthday, I know that Zack is colorblind, that Jack is anemic, that Alex's older brother Daniel commited suicide when he was younger. I am not a fan, I am a dedicated listener who has been a dedicated listener for almost two years. This is a BIG deal. I could've died there and felt okay.

Anyway, the rest is less than exciting. The girl next to us on the lawn was throwing up, so that was fun.

Boys Like Girls was GREAT. Best Part= Martin Johnsonsaying "Day One of Bamboozle bitches" like a diva. Then he dove into the mosh pit and had to be lifted back up by the secuirity guards. Then his pants fell down and he mooned the audience:) He's fun.

Then All Time Low came on.

As usual, they sounded amazing. Their backdrop said "GET LOW" which brang back memories:) But they played all Nothing Personal songs! They threw in Dear Maria Count Me In, Poppin' Champagne and Jasey Rae to mix it up but... They were all popular songs, so popular that any bimbo/poser could mouth the words. Which brought to my attention the deteriorating quaity of their fan base. Come on guys. Where's Put Up or Shut Up? What happened to the days when you'd open with Six Feet Under the Stars and close with The Girls a Straight Up Hustler? Now they open with Lost in Stereo and close with Weightless. GROSS. They didn't even play Coffeeshop Soundtrack or... REMEMBERING SUNDAY! Song Choice= bad, but the posers loved it.

That was the last time that night that I delared myself the only remaining true All Time Low fan.

Other than that, GREAT. Which is why I tip my hat tothe Bamboozle Roadshow.
May 22nd, 2010 at 11:14pm