Not only is Amy being held hostage but there's a Dalek in Lincoln!! Oh noes!! [Picture. Dr Who. One Big Weekend. Race for Life]

Issue number 1!!

I am totally not kidding about the Dalek. I went to stay with my friend in Lincoln (England, not America) on Wednesday till today and we were walking along the path at the back of the hospital towards the University and there was this house and in the window was a Dalek. Of the life size variety. It was so awesome I took a picture.


Good times :D

Issue number 2!!

I'm really loving Matt Smith. Don't get me wrong, like the next person, David Tennant was a babe of a Doctor (Doctor and Rose all the way!!) but I am impressed with Matt Smith. When they first revealed him as being the next Doctor my youngest sister (completely Team Tennant) was little more than disgusted. How could anybody ever replace her beloved David? I decided to reserve judgement.

Now my sister has changed her mind (though still firmly Team Tennant) and I just love Matt. He's so quirky and we even see this in the new styling of the TARDIS!! She's all retro and adorable - just like Matt Smith's Doctor.

I watched the movie at my friends house on Wednesday and what blasphemy!! I was horrified the poor TARDIS looked awful with a big stupid castle in it! I was all confuzzled; I thought it was going to turn out as being a Monty Python's Flying Circus skit. Poor poor Doctor Who.

Bad times :'(

Issue number 3!!

Just finished watching Faithless's set at Radio 1's One Big Weekend on the interactive button. My mum was in her complete element; she was almost dancing, she love love loves Faithless. As was I everytime Florence stepped onto the stage like the beautiful woman that she is.

Compared to Florence, the backing singers couldn't sing for shit really. Though actually they could sing; I'm just putting my opinion across. Tomorrow Pendulum are on which shall be absolute madness. I know from experience.

We're now watching Russell Howard Live ;)

Good times :D

Issue number 4!!

I finished the Stamford 5k Race for Life at Burghley House in 51 minutes. I felt really accomplished crossing the line.

Good times :D

May 22nd, 2010 at 11:39pm