Sadness of scold

I hate getting scolded by my mother she is all mean and tough. I sometimes wish I can kill her!! Which I really dont want too.... anyways I hate scolding its always do this do taht I am sick of it! AND I HOPE THIS COMPUTER THAT RUNS SLOW AND I HAVE DIES A SLOW PAINFUL DEATH!!! Im not evil just a lunatic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meow =3 I hope people understand my name. I wondar if I could form a no mothers club... oh well I will do that thinkiing later. Scolding is harsh and mean to me. I am very sensitive and hide me emotions I like writing about them but I made a promise to tell me feelings to a aduly from now on
May 23rd, 2010 at 06:38am