Your pessimistic views are selfish. Cheer up.

When did being negative become so popular?

Nowadays I talk to my friends and hear pure statements claiming quotes such as, "Fuck my life." or the often occasion of threats of pre-attempted suicide. Oh. Well. It was a close time that one time. Right?

There are also so many haters. And yes, yes I do know that sounds rather immature, but there is no other name that could fit so appropriately. I see constant strong dislike for those who do not fit society's ideal standards of, "beauty." What even is beauty? The word is dependent on opinion. Words, and people, that are dependent off of others opinions, are weak. They both have no backbone. However, to be a person who has their own opinion, is impossible. What is possible, is to stick to the opinions you've decided you feel you agree with, and stand for what you believe in. People often fear unknown, and endless boundaries. Which makes sense, considering all we really know is boundary. Even from the very beginning, we are bound to the womb. When we are born, we have guidelines as to where we are free to roam, and as we get older, the guidelines become laws and such. The peak at this is when you are a teenager. Society sends out two messages when you are a preteen. As a preteen, I often watched typical preteen shows. The shows themes often suggested to love yourself, not care what others think, do the, "right thing!" and of course, plenty of feminism. However, every person over 13 knows that human nature does the opposite to what they are told to do. Even as a kid, when parents tell their kids to share their toys, or clean up, the child most often will refuse or find a way to not do so. So, even as I watched these shows invented by adults attempting to brainwash me into believing I'd love my dorky self because I was me, and I was, "unique," I knew they were full of shit. I already didn't love myself, I knew I was the last thing from unique. I wasn't stupid. So, take my point into consideration. The time opinion matters most; teenage years. Trends matter most. To prove just how cool you are, teenagers endlessly brag of how they fall in love, get heartbroken, do hard drugs, become addicted to hard drugs, become alcoholics, get into fights with other teenagers, complain of hard lifestyles, and being treated unfairly, and become "suicidal." Now, I don't really see the coolness in being so negative. Why is having so much anguish anything to admire? None of us are being treated unfairly. You reap what you sow, and while life is very unfair, your actions are not. You are the main root cause of your own problems. Society, and the atmosphere does play a role into it, however the main cause of the dilemmas that eat at you the most, are your own problems. If you complain endlessly of being addicted to drugs, when you willingly accepted to do them in the first place, your negativity is just going to make the situation even more difficult. You knew what you were getting into. You heard the stories that were told to prevent you from descending into addiction. It's your own fault you're there, and it's your own responsibility to get yourself back out. Losing track to my main point, society feels the need to slant us to all be negative people, and have negative thought process. We feel the need to judge, and if we don't understand it to be measured against society's ruler, then we base harsh judgments off of it, and reject it. I've grown to have such a thick judgment of negativity on all humankind. My true happiness now stems from moments when I am alone, and see a glimpse of life's beauty through the sun setting, or some natural aspect of living. Life has become something that's taken for granted, and hated upon, just because it doesn't go in the way of our assumptions. You would think by the time we are the age of five, we'd have leave learned that just because we have high expectations does not mean they will succeed. However, we continue to think they will. To live a life free of expectation would be the dream life, because you'd never feel disappointment. I've come to terms that this dream is impossible, so I have chosen to live a lifestyle that alters. I'll expect very little. Hopefully, this will lead to a bit of less disappointment. My main point, is that most of the reasons we become depressed, are for selfish aspects and opinions. Life's very beautiful, and there's nothing epic enough other then death itself, to ruin it for yourself. Realize there's plenty opportunity, and it's up to you to create your own happiness. Happiness is very simple, after all.
May 23rd, 2010 at 02:13pm