Gonna Fail

I am absolutely positive that I'm gonna fail my theology exam.

Nobody that has my teacher knows if the answers they have for the study guide are right.

We barely even know what we learned this year.

See, my teacher is... how to put this nicely.... a crazy b****.

I'm sorry if that's offensive or anything, but it's the truth.

She's absolutely senile.

I have so many stories about her that I won't say in this journal, but I will tell yall.

Here's the just of a normal day in third hour freshmen theology:

1. get in class.

2. spend 40-45 minutes listening to her lecturing us about the stereotypical teenager
a) we're all evil because :
we are all on facebook for 6 hours a day
we hang out with our friends instead of going to Mass on non-Mass days.
we text non-stop.
3. she plays some random slideshow with notes on it that aren't even on the freaking test for the last five minutes of class.

Yes, that was what I went through everyday this year.

So, now I have absolutely no idea what to study for the exam, because it's all just random chiz that makes no sense.

And there is no way to know if the answers that I put are right or not.

Well, anyway, now I'm just preparing myself to fail theology.

Luckily, I'm not really half bad at the algebra we learned this semester.

At least I won't fail that one.

Oh, and sorry I keep posting journals about exams.

I promise, the next one will not be about school in any way, shape, or form.

Love yall.

May 23rd, 2010 at 09:58pm