"Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli-lolli-lolli-lollipop! Pop!" (5/23/10 Day-23)

A Day in the Life... It rained today. So, I decided to sit outside under an umbrella and on top of a blanket and go on my laptop all day. Fun as hell.

So... like I said above, I basically did that all day. I decided to check out [url=Tumblr.com] Tumblr[/url] because my friend has one (never posts anything on it though!) and she told me to check it out.

[url=KatiesARiot.tumblr.com]KatiesARiot[/url] is my Tumblr, I only have one or two things posted there, though. Also, how do you get the awesome custom layout codes, like you can for Mibba, but for Tumblr? Let me know in the comments if you know a site or you make them yourself, please!

I decided to put my hair in a ponytail for the first time since like, I was in the 3rd grade, as I am in the 7Th, now. I never realized how large my ears were...

I want a Macbook or a Dell Inspiron. The Dell one is the one with the commercial where everyone is singing, "Lollipop, lollipop, oh lolli-lolli-lolli-lollipop! Pop!" ha ha.

Anyone have either laptop? How do you like it?

1.) How was your day?
2.) How was the weather where you live? (It goes from 80 degrees and sunny to 65 degrees and raining, here...)
3.) Do you have a Tumblr? What is it, so I can follow you?!
4.) Know any site layouts for Tumblr?

May 23rd, 2010 at 11:08pm