My Bulimia

It all started last year when I truely did think that I was fat/over weight. I hated my body, no matter what people told me I thought it was horrible, nothing could convince me otherwise. I didn't tell anyone about my problem, it felt as if they would be disapointed in me if they found out. My bulimia was cured with the help of music and running. Music was a way for me to stop thinking about life whenever I listened to it; so I would like to thank Three Days Grace, Papa Roach, Panic at the Disco, and Bullet for my Valentine for helping get through a horrible part of my life. I would go running atleast five times a week and it showed me that I didn't have to make myself throw up just to stay thin. I cured my bulimia almost a year ago and I haven't done anything to go back to it. The thing is that I made myself throw up today for no reason; there's nothing in my life that would make me upset and I know that I have a good body, not to sound conceited that is. I'm so disapointed in myself that I ruined all my hard work to go back to shoving my finger down my throat again for no reason. Today I made myself a promise that I would never go back to that again, I'll try my hardest to never intentionally hurt my body again. Is there any advice you can give me? Have you gone through this yourself or do you know anyone who has?
May 24th, 2010 at 12:53am