
Fuck life. People need to grow up and leave me alone. About two, three months ago my social life kind of drastically changed. My friend’s (Sara) boyfriend (Ian), who I had liked for an insanely long time kissed me at a party and told me he had liked me forever. Unfortunately, he was still dating my friend. He told her about it, and she still wanted to date him and still wanted to be friends with me. Oddly enough, things pretty much went back to normal for a while except I wasn’t allowed to talk to Ian. Which hurt, even though I kindabasicallytoldhimIdidn’tcareabouthimatall. Big lie. A couple weeks after Sara found out, Ian broke up with her. He hadn’t been happy in that relationship for almost a year (they had dated for 2 ½). A few days after he broke up with her, Sara called me and told me I had to choose between him and her. Because, in reality, she made me angry in many different ways, and because Ian made me insanely happy, I told her I still wanted to be friends with him. “The end,” right? Not quite.

The past few months have been filled with harassment and threats from both Sara and her little minions. Ian got in a fight with someone (coincidentally my third cousin, who also coincidentally called me a slut), because my cousin, being friends with one of the aforementioned minions, was convinced it would be a good idea. Sara showed up at Ian’s work and punched him in the balls. She told me that someone was going to beat me up, and one of her friends told me that she and I needed to have “a talk” at graduation. Sara’s repeatedly said that her brother (25) is going to beat up Ian (17). Sara texts me almost once a week telling me that I should just go kill myself. The funny thing is, she was the one who got in a car accident today.

Ian was driving me home when we saw a gold Honda Civic on its side. Funny, we thought, Sara drives a Civic. More coincidentally, that was also her license plate. By this time, we were both freaking out because someone who we had both genuinely cared about was probably hurt. We pulled over and asked someone we used to go to school with what happened. He told us she was fine and that she had been texting and speeding. Great combination. We went over to the police car where she was sitting, and an officer told us the same thing. We both tried to talk to her because she was sitting there by herself and we wanted to see if she was actually alright (she was kind of just sobbing) and got no response, so we left. As we left, her brother and dad showed up.

Later, Sara called Ian (because she does periodically to keep herself fresh in his mind), and told him that it was good we left before her dad and brother saw us, because they would have kicked his ass and he would have deserved it for driving “that slut” home. I honestly would have found it funny if they had tried anything in front of the 5 cops that were there. Her friend later messaged me on Facebook, just generally being a b*tch for no reason.

Long story short, I’m so tired of people not fucking off. Yeah, I get it, I’m a terrible person who deserves to die but FUCK I’m so happy I don’t even care anymore. For almost 8 months I sat around and was miserable because the only guy I ever really liked had a girlfriend who was supposedly my friend. Instead of making herself unhappy by dwelling on this I don’t understand why Sara can’t just attempt to move on and live her own life. Or at least just leave me (and Ian) alone.

May 24th, 2010 at 03:22am