Song Searching!

So i've just looked up Neon Trees on YouTube and have completely fallen head over heels in love with them! :')
Unfortunatley, their Album isn't available on the English iTunes - it's kind of a bummer, really!

My iTunes is lonely and old, it needs fresh songs.
Anyone know any AMAZING artists that i can listen to?

I'm kinda depressed that the English sun and heat wave has been overtaken by the clouds! I mean, seriously, if clouds could be blown away i wouldn't have any breath left! They're EVERYWHERE! Oh, blue sky, how i miss thee!

On a serious note, i have revision to do today (again). I have my Biology unit 1 tomorrow, and to say i'm feeling confident would be a lie. Truth is i'm not and don't think today's last minute revision will help either.

Have you noticed how you learn five topics (quite in depth) within a Unit and at the end of a year, they give you an hour and a half to write meaningless answers to questions which only cover three of the topics, and then your general common sense? What's the point really?

Don't get me wrong, i'm all into learning. But i think the exams at the end of the year do take the mick out of some people's time and effort.

On another note, i would like people to please have a look at my story and tell me what they think. Critisms, praises or just a general comment are appreicated. Please

The Last Bell
May 24th, 2010 at 12:42pm