Another Punch to the Stomach

Now the bassist for Slipknot has passed away. The metal community is taking a royal hit to the face. I was not a huge Slipknot fan by any means, but jeez, how long will this keep going on? Too many of our own are dropping like flies. It's only been a week since Dio left us and now this? Dear God, I'm gonna flip if someone else dies. Watch now, it'll be Lemmy Von Motorhead and I'll cry for days.

Besides this, I'd like to tell you Mibbians something very important. Now listen carefully. Don't fall in love. It's so not worth what may happen in the long run.
I sound jaded but I suppose I am. I have been with this guy for 2 years now. The relationship has done crumbled. But I'm so attached to him after so long that I can't just leave. He's in pieces and he needs me....that sounded a little odd. But it's true. He doesn't know how to stand on his own, he can't do it. So now I feel trapped. He wants me to do what's best for me, and I know that involves leaving him. Every time I try, I just cave and wimp out. I can't do it, even though it's in my best interest. Any advice for me? Because I think that it's really run it's course with me and I need to get out before he drags me down any further and smashes the broken pieces any more.
May 25th, 2010 at 12:17am