Angry Midget?! (5/24/10 Day-24)

A Day in the Life... I went to look out the window and had to climb over a shopping-basket that was filled with papers. I go to turn around, forgetting the basket was here, and trip over it, landing on my face and twisting my ankle.

Smooth move, idiot.

So... besides me being in pain, my day was... well... it still sort of sucked...

At lunch, this girl, Hayley, comes over to Emily, Alyssa, Rachel, Melonie, Samiya, and my table. Unlike everyone else, I was actually good friends with Hayley, so I was happy to see her. She smiled at me and waved, as I did the same, then she asked Emily something.

"Kailee wanted me to ask you... what did you say to her on her voice mail?" I was shocked to hear this, because Kailee and Emily used to be super-duper close best friends then Kailee turned evil, and they haven't spoke to each other since.

Emily looked at her, completely confused, and said, "I never called her. I don't even have her number anymore."

So, knowing a screaming war was going to start, I quickly told Hayley I liked her shirt (which I did, it had a bunny on it! ha ha) trying to calm her down, but she only calmed and thanked me for a minute....

"Well, the voice mail sounded like your voice... whatever...." and Hayley went to walk away.

Emily told her as she was walking away, "Well, honestly, you had no right to speak to me about this." I kicked Emily under the table, trying to warn her to shut her mouth, but she kept talking. "If Kailee wanted to speak to me, she should have just come straight to me and not have to speak through you."

Hayley was needless to say pissed to hear Emily say that about Kailee. In less then two minutes, the lunchroom was basically crowded around our table, as Hayley and Emily were screaming crap, and yes I mean stupid, pointless, CRAP at each other.

My friend, Mark, tried holding Emily back, as every time she screamed she would start lunging forward over the table, and he and I kept looking at each other. I gave him a look to hold her back and he gladly accepted.

Hayley walked away with half the lunchroom following and this girl, Victoria, coughed loudly "Liar!" and looked at me, waiting for me to defend her, and I just gave Victoria a warning look (thankfully, I'm one of the only people she is scared of) and she retreated with the others.

I had to run after Emily when she went crying into the bathroom at the very end of lunch. Kailee came in the bathroom about two minutes after us, cursing Emily off. She turned to me and goes, "I don't see what you see in her."

"Well, I see a great friend in her," I looked at her, sadly towering over her as she's borderline midget. "and a nasty w***e in you."

And Emily and I walked out of the bathroom, greeted by Mark, Chris, and Kevin (who don't really like Emily, but saw how much I care about her) standing outside of the door, hearing everything that was said, and they walked us back to our hallways. Emily being on team 7A, she walked back to class with Mark and Chris and Kevin walked with me back to our team 7B, laughing at Kailee's attempts to make a good comeback.

I love boys who care about girls as their sisters. Just makes me feel special to have them as friends...

1.) How was your day?
2.) Are you an idiotic klutz like me?
3.) Have drama right now? If you want, tell me about it! I'll be happy to help if you need it! Or if you don't want to share, just say a simple yes/no. ha ha.
4.) Have awesome guy friends like me?


P.S Sorry about the length!
May 25th, 2010 at 01:59am