Does anyone want to write a collaboration with me? Teen Fiction..etc.

So I want to write a story about a group of teenagers who are in this rehab and I want the story to be in different perspectives. I wanted to know if anyone wants to help write the chapters with me. If so, you can leave a comment of send me a message on here. I don't know if this is a journal entry or not, but I really want to write with someone else.

So here's the characters. (You can chose the characters name and personality and looks but I already have traits of the characters. and their addiction and problems.

girl= cuts herself because she was raped by her own dad.
girl= abusive relationship from boyfriend, is still in shock, suicide attempt.
guy=gay and wants to be accepted, but no one cares about him. does drugs

(you can created more problems for the characters. I just thought of these on my own.
May 25th, 2010 at 09:48pm