A small rant with a decent point

So I was looking through some journals and reading comments and I noticed something someone said. It was something along the lines of not talking about touchy subjects like religion or abortion etc. And that just stuck out to me. And its not that it was the person cause honestly I know thats probably the truth. But the fact that it is the truth that frustrates me. On a site like this especially you'd think people would have a more open mind on things. People have a right to believe in what they want and people shouldnt get offended. Unless they purposely say it to be offense or in an extremely offensive manner. Even then just be a bigger person or just point out its offensive. I don't know it just frustrates the hell out of me that people are so damn close minded and focused fully on themselves. Everyone has a reason for believing in whatever it is they believe in. Either deal or stop trying to find someone to argue with. Because honestly if your the one going through journals just trying to find someone to disagree with then stop. It isnt fun anymore when theres a party pooper trying to bring everyone down.

Okay rant complete...

And please feel free to let me know what you all think. I'm highly interested.

Love Shelby aka army wife
May 26th, 2010 at 07:56am