The point to where i lost my heart, life , love, and soul to a complete stranger...

Im so confused..
Im in love with a complete stranger who also says he loves me back..
Im losing my mind cuz he said i was pretty even tho we all know it must be a lie...
He says he dnt kno y he fell in love with me..and he thinks its stupid...
If only he understood how tht made me feel...
The worst part of this senerio is he got a girl but he said he's falling for me...
He told me i should stop..
I was clueless..
He said i should stop making him fall 4 me..
I Shoulda,
But didnt...and didnt want to..if only he new the effect he has on me...if only...I need help...idk wat to do..
May 26th, 2010 at 08:45am