Daily Journal #2

Yes I know that Daily Journal #1 is under Televison but oh well let just get on with it.

Questions Of The Day

1. Whats your favorite kinda pie?
2. What is your view about true love.
3. How old do you think people should be when they go on there first date.
4. Dateing Tips?
5. How old were you when you had your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
6. Do you think dresses are only for girlie girls?
7. How much should you get for a allowence?

Poll Of The Day

pie or cake

Quote Of The Day

"If you would be loved, love and be lovable." Benjamin Franklin

Advice Of The Day

Love is found when you least expect it. So don't look for it.

Bye Guys! Oh and just thought I'd tell you at my school were haveing this thing and theres for teachers running for it and well whoever whens gets a pie in the face! And my princeable is one of them and like EVERYONE is voteing for him!! I REALLY want to see him get a pie in the face! LOL!!
May 26th, 2010 at 01:44pm