Making up with Make-up (Not so much a rant as a ramble)

I don't tend to wear a whole lot of makeup. In fact, I usually wear none. Usually its because I'm just too lazy to take the time in the morning... Then again, if I were to take the time I'd have to get up earlier... I'm usually running out the door late as it is.
Even when I do wear make-up, it isn't much. Just a bit of lip-gloss, maybe some eye-liner.

But, I've been a little more welcoming towards make-up lately. I even wore eye liner to school today.
That was a strange experience.

I got to school, and all my close friends took a look at me a completely freaked out. I went from "WOAH!" to "Is that you?"
It was kind of funny... but I'm not sure how to feel.
I mean, it sort of felt like I shouldn't be wearing make up. I mean, I don't normally... but still. A little eye liner doesn't make that much of a difference...

Ugh. I don't know why it makes me feel... bad. It just does.

Hah. Aren't I just a typical girl, ranting and worrying over such trivial issues as whether or not to wear make-up.

I guess my friends reactions just sort of... bother me.

Bwah. On the plus side, I'm wearing my new favorite shirt.
May 26th, 2010 at 06:29pm