The world how it is... Jamacain Drug Kingpin/Robin Hood.

Christopher "Dubus" Coke. The authorties think of him as a criminal with a dangerous record who needs to be quickily handled so the civilians of Kingston. The civilians seem to disagree. They think of him as a Robin Hood, Jesus, or a one time drug kingpin Pablo Escobar. He has built up Medicine centers, sent students to school and helped give out food.

On the other hand 1,600 people died last year because of drug dealing and trafficking. And over the past few days over thirty people died. 4 police officers and 27 civilians because of police forces surrounded a housing development in large numbers trying to get Dubus but he slipped through their fingers. and then bans of gangsters started fighting back.

What should his fate be?
he will probably be given a life sentence or a death penalty for all the lives he has costed but what about the afterlife? He did good and bad at the same time. What has the world come to that the only way for someone to help others is by doing bad? Rich people are beyond greedy along with average Americans. We go out and buy stuff that we don't need. It isn't unordinary for a citizen in some parts of the US to have over three computers, whereas other countries don't even have electricity. We take our food for granted, we either over eat or starve to a thin look. A lot of rich models starve themselves to look better while kids in Africa die from Malaria, AIDS, Starvation, dyhydration, Pests, etc. They can't get good educations while we take our education system for granted. Can you imagine a child in Africa looking at an Iphone or an iPad? Just imagine their reaction... they probably never heard of such thing.

I'm a Hypocrite. hince my name "Hypocritical."

In my house, we have a laptop, a desktop, I have a desktop, my brother has a desktop. I have a cellphone but it also works as a MP3 player and I can text. i go to school, am not on the top of my class, I slack, I sit in front of the computer and wish I could do something... I can. But I don't like speaking to people in the face because I have a bad self-esteem and I feel intimidated by people. I take school for granted as well as my teachers. I eat out with my family atleast once a week and I complain about my dads cooking. I watch a few TV shows and I'm a huge movie fan from Westerns, comedies, chick-flicks to action movies.

My brother and I fight a lot. We fight about the laptop and computer, my friends and his friends, my music taste and his music taste, he annoys me and I annoy him and I wish a lot of times I didn't have a brother.

I am a bad person.

I go to church... but I don't enjoy waking up that early in the morning because I'm tired. I want to sleep in and I complain a lot and make excuses. I fight with my parents when they don't deserve it and I've dreamed about my life after I move out. I love my family but I take them for granted. After many warnings about what is going on in other countries, US citizens have not gotten the big WHAM in the face about it yet. People make excuses why they can't give their money out to people who need it. Then with the money thet could be using to save someones life they give it up for an expensive meal, more clothes they don't need, unneccecary amounts of useless junk they will never see again after using it for a week and I do the same thing. I realize it as I do it but I keep doing it.

I'm a hypocrite because I say "I'm Starving" when I'm not even that hungry.
I'm a hypocrite because I say "But I need this" when its not even worth me saving up for.
I'm a hypocrite because I say "My head hurts so much it's killing me" when I've got a little migraine.
I'm ungrateful because I say "I wish we didn't have to go to school"
I'm ungrateful because I say "This food looks unedible."
I'm ungrateful because I say "My parents won't let me get the X-Box because they are cheap"

I walk into the parking lot of my school and I see mustangs, hummers, camaro's then when I go home and tell my parents. They shake their head and talk about 'when they were kids, they had to take the family van to school.'
May 27th, 2010 at 04:42am