People who "leave" on MSN/FB chat/etc.

One thing that really pisses me off is how people can easily blow each other off when you're supposedly "friends". And hahah, no I don't mean it sexually like that. What I'm saying is that when a person tries to be polite or is just curious about something, usually the latter, they'll ask somebody to find out the answer. But the person they're talking to has to be a total bitch/asshole about it, they think they're too cool and good for you, they pretend to log off or leave or whatever.

Example of a scenerio. Jane wants to know what his English homework was, so she checks her FB chat for a person in her class, unfortunately, nobody in her class is online. She is clueless as to what to do, and sees Hannah, a girl that she talks to on occasion in school, and hopes that Hannah will have the same teacher as she does. So she clicks her name and says, "Hi Hannah! Who's your English teacher?"

Hannah responds, "Miss. XXXX. Why?"

Jane replies with a, "I'm trying to find out my English homework, but nobody in my class is online."

Hannah then says, "Oh that sucks. Oh I G2G, bye."

So now pause. You might be thinking, oh, she might really have to leave. But here's the thing, Hannah doesn't go offline. That little green dot is still there, symbolizing that she never left FB.

Now you might be thinking, 'Wow..., this girl is just ranting 'bout total shit.' But NO! Here's another scenerio with MSN this time.

You notice that a person your MSN list has a new profile picture and you really like it. So you decide to PM the person on how much you love it.

You: Hi! Love your profile picture!

Mystery Person: Thanks! Like yours too.

You: Thank you! :D

Mystery Person: Oh sorry G2G, bye.

And then, at least this person has the decency to appear offline. But what really ticks me off is that they just assume you're going to ramble. What the fuck? All the person did was make a comment on how lovely your profile picture and you decide to log off because you're afraid to talk to them? Only 2 things can be concluded from something like this.

1) If you're going to do this the person, then you two are obviously not friends and you should not even be on each others' MSN list or FB if you're just going to constantly blow him/her off. (Again...hahah)



And I don't want hear any BS on, "Ohhh maybe they really had to leave." or, "YOU'RE THE DOUCHE," or maybe even, "What're you talkin' bout? This doesn't happen at all? I NEVER DO THIS TO MY FRIENDS. THIS IS NEVER DONE TO ME."


TAKE A LOOK ON FACEBOOK. THERE'S A GROUP DEVOTED TO THIS. People actually join and share in their passion of just leaving a conversation. (Although I myself wouldn't call it a conversation....) by appearing offline.

I guess the point that I'm trying to make is, DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE. I understand that if the person is going to ramble on and you have more important things to do then you make a polite excuse to leave. But don't just cut a person off with an "OH BYE!" and assume that they're going to keep on talking to you.

The second point that I tried to make was that if you had to do this, then you should ask yourself, "Should this person really be on my friends list?" There's no point in adding a person and never talking to them. If it's for the appearance of being "cool", then just stop. -_-...

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this rant, then thanks. If you hated it, then fine, tell me why you hated it. It's your opinion. xP

Leave any thoughts/opinions down below if you want.
May 27th, 2010 at 07:02am