Summer Reading...Online? lol. Comment if you have a good story I can read.

Hey, Im Christina. So I'm just gonna come out with it. I'm new to Mibba. Really new, like i just joined two or three days ago, im not sure. Also today is the first day of summer for me. As of today I have nothing to do. Before you think, "oh crap this chick has no friends or life", I do have friends and a life. Just not today. I've got almost three months to do crap. Yes, I'm waiting for babysitting job offers because i need money for stuff, I'm working out because i play soccer, I am hanging out friends because I love hanging with them, and I'm writing this BECAUSE I LIKE READING ONLINE STORIES. Ok, I call it something to do, others my call it an addiction.... Jk'in. I really just like reading stories that catch my attention. So here are something stories I WILL READ:
*Werewolve, Vampires, other mystical creatures.
*Slash(this means boyxboy) Stories(weird, I know)
*Highschool stories

(I might sound like a hypocrite since i have writtien one, but i will NOT read them)
(Why re-do a story that is already published and out there)

Finally, Guys I have a crap load of free time, so if you want reader who comments. I'm your girl. I will read about ANYTHING! so comment here about you and your story.
May 27th, 2010 at 09:07pm