I cut off my hair [+ photos + whoring + questions]

Today I got a new haircut that is amazingly unsemetrical, if I do say so myself.
It's quite a drastic change from before v

(sorry the pic is so huge and I am dressed like teenage Sirius)


And after!


One side it very very short as you can see, and the other side is just as long as before. Yup I do realise I look like what a film in the 80's would consider a 'futurisic' haircut. Opinions?


So a few days ago I wrote a Remus-Centric fic which so far has received no readers. This makes me a sad wolf :(. I would be very grateful if you would check it out, it's not techinally a slash so if that's not your thing don't worry. It's called When The Moon Was A Stranger. Please? -puppydog eyes-


1. Who would play you in the film of your life?
2. What's your favourite slash pairing?
3. Had a good day?
4. If you plan to go to University/if you're in University, what do you study/plan to study?
5. What's your biggest ever fashion no-no?
May 28th, 2010 at 11:05pm