I'm SO gracious for my life.

I just watched a movie called Aurore. It was made in the memory of a girl who was abused until she died. Her mother died of TB and her stepmum abused her horribly. This movie gave me chills. I don't think a movie has ever made me so scared upset and angry all at the same time. I think the most horrifying part was definitely the "hot poker scene" when the stepmum burned her.
When will crazy people realize that children are made of flesh and bone just as we are, and that they deserve that treatment 10 times less than we do. Kids are people too, and they hurt and bleed and cry too.
I've been blessed with delightful parents. Sure they aren't perfect. But they are wonderful, treating me right, and respecting me. My father has never violated me, and my mother has never beat me. I'm incredibly lucky. But you must remember that so many children aren't as fortunate as me. And they die every day. They hurt every day. And this won't fix itself.
I hate most seeing the sentences these monsters receive. They get like 20 years for killing children!
And Child Protective Services doesn't help this epidemic very much. They really don't try very hard. There was a case I heard of where the father wouldn't allow CPS to see his daughter so they just left! WTF! What incompetent idiots! If a child is being abused then you demand to see that kid! That's the Protection part of Child Protective Services!
Sure, we can't make it all just halt cold turkey and never see another murdered child. But every chance we get, we should try to help that poor kid and get them out of that situation. I'm only 17 and I can't do much to bring it to an end. But I am willing to stop weeping for the children and instead stand and fight for the ones that I can. Perhaps if more people did more than cry about it, there would be many less Aurores in the world.
May 28th, 2010 at 11:37pm