Ranting and Questions

Hello fellow writers! :')

It's nearly twenty to eleven here and i'm bored out of my mind. Everyone else in my house is in bed and in the land of dreams, but i'm not. I don't feel tired at all! Instead i have the loverly company of Brendan Fraiser from the Mummy! <3

Anyway, i posted a new story which i might consider writing. Will you take a look please?! It's called "Home is where the heart is" and it's about a young girl being evacuated during World War 2. I would tell you more, but i want you to read it to find out what i have planned to happen :P
So, please take a look and comment! :')

Right time for Questions to cure my boredness;
1) What time is it where you are?
2) What do you do when everyone's asleep and your not?
3) Don't you think The Mummy is an awesome film?
4) What've you done today? Anything fun?
5) Tell me something that will make me smile

May 28th, 2010 at 11:43pm