i found god

Actually i didnt know i supposed to be looking for him.
Ive been trying to do a journal entry a day but i missed a day.
It seems that the most recurring theme in my life is love...
Just a simple little four letter word that means more than anything else.
After all Love is all you need! Or so they say.
Listen when the universe speaks, listen with your soul.

Another day has passed another second another twenty four hours.
I am the grateful recovering addict, alcoholic.
Its been a whole year now that ive gone without alcohol,
without heroin (my biggest vice) the enemy to my existence.
with another day brings more hope more freedom
from active addiction.

Something has filled the void in my life that the drugs and the alcohol left.
Im still not sure why when i woke this day i had this overwhelming sense
of joy.

i dont like the word "god" but i know theres something out there much greater than myself
at work in my life in my soul in my spirit.
This divine sense of spirituality is not knowledge its not wisdom or it my or may not be.
its something deeper...

It's Truth
May 29th, 2010 at 12:15am