Back To School Countdown :)

Oh my gosh it's 9 days to school! Me am so excited! *Happy dance* Though I'll miss the perks of summer, I have to admit that school is better than being locked in my house under supervision. I'll miss my iPod, and so many other summer things I do everyday. :( But I miss my friends and I need to socialize face-to-face or I'll bang my head. Why can't I get Defying Gravity and I Dreamed a Dream out of my head? Uber random. Anyway, should I write this Justin Bieber fanfiction I keep on imagining? I just listen to random songs or watch something then bam, new chapter. By the way, can someone teach me how to do layouts? I'm new, so I can barely move around without hitting my head on something. My head is totally messed up today. I dunno why I'm so whipped. Ugh. Well, I do feel nostalgic, excited and totally messed up. Whoa. And weird, I feel like crying or punching somebody. maybe its just because I'm listening to I Dreamed A Dream. Huh. Maybe.I wonder why people are so supportive of a stranger they don't know. But still, I'm feeling brokenhearted. :( I guess summer does have its benefits. I keep on thinking of unrequited love but I'm weighing my options: Move on, or Hope ?
Its kinda hard to do things when your brokenhearted. I couldn't enjoy Christmas last year. My birthday sucked because he has the same birth month. Well if that's love it comes at much to high a cost. I hope he moves away. Or move to some other school but unlikely. He still has 2 brothers here. Waaah...
May 29th, 2010 at 02:41am