Question. (5/29/10 Day-29)

A Day in the Life... I said I would submit this at 1 AM, but I have to get up at seven... so I want to go to bed! ha ha.

So... I want to take this time to ask you guys something....

Do you guys think that you will forget your friends when you get out of high school? My sister scared me by saying how you never really see or hear from them again...

My friend, Sarah, I have known her for most of my life. We each know eachothers families like the back of our hands. I couldn't imagine what my life would be like had I not moved to this town in the second grade (when she also moved here, too!) and became friends. We are sisters.

Are any of you guys still in touch with your close friends, if you moved away, went to school, work, etc.?

I'm just... scared?

1.) How are you?
2.) Are you?

May 29th, 2010 at 06:25am