Revision and all that gibberish!

So, i was meant to be doing revision but landed on Mibba and Facebook instead!
...darn that internet! :')

Don't you just hate it when your trying to revise and then your phone beeps telling you someone's left a comment on your Facebook? You then have a battle with your conscience on whether to reply back to that comment or to just continue revising. And evidently in my case Facebook wins (yet again)!

Anyway if i was revising i would be doing Pyschology. And can i just say, that at the beginning of the year i though Pyschology was AMAZING! i really did. I enjoyed listening to what researches have found out about the human race and everything, but i kind of forgot we had to learn all these studies, evaluate them and then do an hour test on them :/
Now i'm really not impressed! :')
Why are there so MANY researches! Exam boards don't you feel ashamed that you've killed my love for Pyschology?

^^ That's my rant over with!

Now here is a chance for you Mibba's to talk! I've realised this is the only network i'm on which no one really chats to me on. So,

1) Do you have the battle with yourself on whether to go on Facebook (and other networks) whilst doing work?

2) Do you like Pyschology?

3) What are you doing?

4) Will you read my new story?

5) Will you be my friend?! Please. I don't bite!

May 29th, 2010 at 04:19pm