Happier Thoughts

Okay, I haven't really had a journal in a while, and I'm completely bored. That's my sad inspiration for this.

I know a whole bunch of my friends are probably confused with me right now, especially with the whole not liking Harlow now.

So pretty much, I just kind of stopped liking him. I slowly started talking to him less and less. It was gradual, and I didn't seem to mind after the first two weeks of it. Not to mention, that I started noticing that Harlow could be a tad douche-y.

He was the type I was trying not to fall for, and I just distanced myself from him.

While I was doing that, I had Ari telling me that one of my other friends would be perfect for me. I, at the time, ignored her because I thought she was only saying because she thinks he gorgeous (he is). But apparently, Ari is always right. :p

Slowly, I started noticing that I was hanging out with that guy more often. I talked to him more than I ever did with Harlow, and this guy just seemed more genuine to me. He's a sweetheart.

Now I've just sort of fallen for this guy, and it's kinda of driving me crazy. I mean, this guy is amazing, sometimes amazingly weird. I mean, he doesn't have a MySpace or a Facebook, and he calls the Internet and text messages the "fake world".

By the way, his name is Riley. I should've said that first.

I had to explain to him what "asl" meant, when my friend was chatting online on this one site that I seem to have forgotten its name.

Oh! He absolutely loves the movie, "The Invention of Lying". He thinks that's exactly how the world should be, no lying whatsoever. He wants everything to be said out loud.

He loves to eat his ice cream with a fork. I don't know why though. He says that it makes it more air-y or something like that. I tried it, and it just hurt the top of my mouth. He lied to me. :)

This year, I agreed to go to some other school's prom with a guy I never met. Before I get tons of you asking what I was thinking, I wasn't. I just got a call from my older sister, saying that she knew a guy who needed a date.

I only decided to go because normally I wouldn't do something like that. Of course, I told Riley about it, and he seemed very nonchalant about it, so it made me think he didn't even care.

I sent him a picture of me all dressed up for the prom, and he said I was beautiful. It pretty much made my year. :)

But throughout that prom, I was kind of texting Riley, whenever I got bored of my date. By the way, my date pretty much sucked ass. I regret ever agreeing to go.

Riley took three years of Spanish, and he can never seem to speak more than two sentences without messing everything up. I only took two years, and I still have to remind him how to say "I'm sorry" the right way. It's really adorable.

Oh, and apparently Riley and myself are messed up in the heads, and that's why we're both gonna be therapists, when we're older. He says that only messed up people wanna be therapists, and he just grouped us into that mess.

If you hadn't noticed by now, this is just whatever is popping up in my head at the moment. Oh, and that Riley is adorable.

He was even adorable, when he showed up at school with his face all sun burnt. It reminded me of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer.

Did I mention that he's a drummer? Yes, I apparently do like the drummer boys. But! He's so much better. Actually both Austin and Harlow are better drummers than he is, but that doesn't matter. He just looks funnier, when he drums. Funnier just means cuter anyways.

It's funny though. 'Cause he can't really move his wrists that well, so he probably shouldn't even be that good of a drummer. But he is, so that just makes everything even cooler.

And at least for this guy, I actually know what kind of music he likes. He loves punk rock, which is pretty good for me. :) He even says that Avenged is hardcore, which gave him major points in my books.

I always tease him by telling him I only hang out with him because there is no one left. Of course that's a big fat lie... He just laughs it off.

He's always saying that I'm either a "little rebel" or a "little punk". That's one of those things that I take in a good and bad way, so sucks for me.

I remember one time he was pretty mad because his daddy told him to make a batting cage for his little brother. He probably wouldn't have minded so much any other time, but he did just get done building a fence.

So I told him that he could just use his drum set or the batting cage to let his anger out. Of course he says he never hits people. I clearly remember him hitting me once before, I think. He, then, said it was out of love.

One day, he was talking about the little things that he notices in people, and I managed to ask him what he noticed about me. I'm gonna quote him now 'cause it was adorable.

"Let's see, (this could be a trick question) your genuine, i don't know if its innocence but you seem like u don't like uhh bad stuff."

Now I thought that was a good thing. Am I right?

Riley has "found" out two things just recently. He says that every question a girl asks is a trick question. (I don't quite agree.) He also says that nice guys never win, which is why he fails at life so much.

Riley can be a tad... paranoid.

I just sort of realized I didn't even explain how he looks like. Gasp!

Well, Riley is six feet tall. That's a whole foot taller than me. I still can't decide if his hair color is a dark blonde or a light brown yet. But! He has the most amazing eyes ever. When you're not so close to him, they look kind of silver or gray. When you're close up, they're this amazing blue color. In his left eye only, there's a swirl of gold. It's gorgeous.

If I had the time, I would write a lot more. I, sadly, will probably get kicked off soon, so I'll just end it here.
May 30th, 2010 at 05:14pm