Hey All (who probably don't give a damn eitherway)!

It is sad to say for me, I won't be on in a while.Yep, it'll be a long time probably.My dad's grounding me from computer since he doesn't know why I'm taking fiber pills and not eating and all that shit.So, I'm screwed for my summer Va-k.Yep, all three - four weeks or more.So, I'll try to get back on A.S.A.P.Um, good luck to everybody who cares and doesn't.Anyways, my topic is on the war over in Iraq.Okay, so I watched the news (big step for me) and it said Obama was sendind troops to the border.Okay, I think that Obama's using the border-thing as a decoy to distract us from taking troops away from the Middle East.That sick bastard.He practically kisses terrorists' asses.Oh, and by the way!Ya know the site of 9/11?The World Trade Center ruins?Where thousands of innocent men,women, and children died?Firemen, cops, abulance workers died to save the victims?Ya, well, they're building a Mosque there. Those damned bastards are purposely making a mockery of us, and Obama's letting them. i mean, what do you expect?His "preacher's" a white hater, and Obama bowed to a muslim. Damn them.Damn them all to hell.How much shit will America take?How much longer can we stand?Will we all not get up off our lazy asses for our country?(Notice I said 'our', meaning myself included.)God bless the troops, and God be with America.
May 30th, 2010 at 08:24pm