All Time Low banned from Six Flags!

Events of May 29th, 2010: DFW, TX.

Before I say anything, watch these videos. (If you haven't heard already)

1. Martin Johnson (Boys Like Girls) and Alex Gaskarth (ATL)

2. When the "riot" starts.

Need I say more? The security guards and Arlington police maced kids, and allegedly a girl broke her foot and another broke her leg, and a friend of mine ripped his knee and couldn't walk right, and a crap load of other injuries. The crowd rushed the stage during ATL's performance at Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington, TX. You might think these people among others got injured from rushing the stage.


I was personally at this show. Security was literally throwing kids off the stage, and I even saw some security hitting some kids, rather it be accident or not. And to top it off, I've heard two stories: Jack from ATL threw a shirt in the crowd, some girls began "fighting" (more like all grabbing madly) and the security maced them and others around them, including people that hadn't been on stage in the first place, then that security pushed a girl off stage, following the action by macing her and others around. I am in no position to say which of these are true, or both. This is the point that video #1 comes into play, where Alex Gaskarth and Martin Johnson call out the security, They were forced to leave the stage and according to tweets, "locked" in their tour buses, for trying to defend teenagers that were just trying to have fun.

Who in the world thinks that it's okay to use mace against a crowd of teenagers, or resort to violence? The bands were encouraging rushing the stage, so it's not as if they felt their safety was in question. There's a line between controlling a crowd, and overstepping authority, and the security far, far crossed this line. They have done nothing but make themselves look like horrible villains, while the bands such as ATL and BLG emerge with hero-like images. I myself would like to bring attention to Mr. Alex Gaskarth, front man of ATL. During this entire incident, he has done nothing but stuck up and defended his fans. I felt myself losing the extreme love I had for ATL, but this show has brought it back full-force. Here, at his Twitter, you can read what Gaskarth has had to say on this matter.

Martin Johnson deserves his own special shout-out with his words, "you mace our fans you fucking die. bands locked on buses for defending helpless fans getting MACED for having a great time at a rock show. i dare security to come backstage".

The bands have once again proved themselves to be higher and defend the fans that rose them to where they are again, over-powering "the Man" in morals and voice. All fans of anything band present at the venue (Forever the Sickest Kids, Boys Like Girls, All Time Low, Good Charlotte, et;) need to send special shout-outs to these bands for last night's mess.

Further deepening the conflict, All Time Low, set to preform at San Antonio's Six Flags, were told they weren't allowed to play today at their venue. They then told the fans ATL had dropped themselves off the show, which Gaskarth quickly corrected in his Tweets.

I would like to say, however, that no Six Flags security guard committed the mace offense: Friends and I had the luck of speaking to one of the Six Flags guards after the show. Six Flags guards are not armed with mace, so it is nearly impossible to have been them. Martin Johnson posted on his Twitter the name of the officer he believes maced the defenseless fans. It's nearly pointless to say the bands were pissed. While speaking to the officer, a stage-hand from the tour came over to the man and began speaking, outraged, though we weren't able to hear the conversation

To read events that unfolded, AP has posted an excellent article on yesterday's (May 29th) events.

I now speak to anyone who had the luck of being at the show: Pure brilliance! One of the best shows I've ever been to, and this is coming from a person who was only really only liked one band upon going. I, however, now view these bands in different light. Minus Hanson. I still have a deep hate for them.

I'm not sorry to say they should've stayed in the 90's.

ATL has posted we're one of the best shows they've never played! WHOOT! Guys, I think we have accomplished something.

Feel free to leave any questions. I will answer them to the best of my (and google's) ability!
May 31st, 2010 at 01:13am