Going into highschool like there aint no tomorrow.

I'm going to high school after a few days since summer here is april-may/june and our school system is pretty weird.

I've looked at all the memories I had and think

"The hell was I thinking?"

Yes, I know. I seem to young to actually know drama and I know that and to be honest I'm even more scared of high school because a lot of people changed the past years so what happens if they change even more?

Anyways, what I saw as I looked back were photos of me and my two close friends.

Well, one of them at least. I still can't believe I stopped being friends with her.

I say to myself, "It's all her fault anyways. She was the one who didn't want to talk to me the whole time even when I asked her if we could just sort this out."

but what I know is that it's also my fault.

See? Here I am hiding in this journal. I could have gotten an even better relationship but whatever. I killed it.

Now, I'm going to high school where my class are full of people who I hate and think I'm a loser with only about 1-3 people I truly have talked to while my other friends are in another class.

I hope I make new friends with all the new students.

I hope my friends haven't changed for the worse.

Mostly, I hope I can stay out of the cat fights or at least be in the teacher's blind spot.

God, please help me in high school. I need it.
May 31st, 2010 at 07:37am