Tell me What Normal is First.

I got asked the famous question. What is the matter with you? My stepdad asked me that for the millionth time just now.
Well first off, you don't wanna know! There's a lot of shit wrong with me, so much that I couldn't count it. So much you'd hate to know, things that would make you kick me out of your house.
Second, I would really like you to explain to me what normal is first. Give me a set definition before you go off saying something is wrong with me. Before you go off bitching at me and insulting me. So before you have the little tidbit of info, STFU. Don't ask my problem when I can't possibly fit a definition that doesn't exist.
And third off, why even ask? You have problems too and I know it. Don't take your own crazy issues out on me. I'm not the perfect daughter you wanted me to be and I have a lot of issues. So do you so don't insult me for mine. Get over the fact I'm not the perfect little cheerleader stepdaughter without a care in the world. I'll never be that dead daughter you never got the chance to have. So stop expecting me to be.
Because I have problems. There's a lot the matter with me that you don't want to know. Same with you. So shut up and leave me alone, and let me be unperfect.
May 31st, 2010 at 08:01pm