My selfish ass needs help. (5/30-31/10 Day-30/31)

A Day in the Life... So... technically I missed a day. Today will count as a 2-Day thing, since it will be super long. Then, instead of ending May 1, 2011, they will end May 2, 2011. Make sense? Awesome! ha ha.

So...I went on my friend, Megan's, boat. Needless to say, the only down part of the whole adventure was me getting sunburned. Sunday, I went over my friend, Sarah's for a Memorial Day pool party, sunburned but awesome.

Then, this thing happened the whole weekend that made me feel downright horrible: I like my friend Jack.

I know he likes me, too, which is awesome, but I feel horrible about none of my friend's accepting him. Everyone, except certain people, think he's weird, which makes me feel weird. If they don't accept him, they won't accept me, making me feel all lonely.

I know this is selfish to have the only thing stopping me from letting myself be with him is other people's opinions. I'm a horrible, disgusting person for it. I know. But I still like him.

A lot.

What do I do? I turn to YOU Mibba because everyone else pretty much sucks!

1.)How was your day?
2.) Did you get sunburned?
3.) What should I do?

May 31st, 2010 at 08:11pm