Rant: That One Friend.

So any of you ever had that one friend that you just want to slap silly and tell her to get lost?

This year, I was recently befriended by a new girl in our school, and I was glad to accept her. She was definitely not shy, extroverted in fact and she was quite talkative. I didn't mind, I just smiled and contributed to her topic. She started hanging out with me and my friends, eating lunch with us and we gradually came to like her. We all hanged out outside of school, which actually proved we accepted her into our little group.

But lately she's gotten really annoying. She started copying our little catchphrases that was deemed TM by us such as "Feliciations" "Trolls" etc. She likes to subtly flaunt on how pretty she is and how all the teachers and boys adore her. She's very good at art, but she insists that she's not but still shows it off. I'll admit that her parents have taught her to be polite when you're in somebody else's home, but she just likes to think that she's the best thing ever. ( I am trying so hard to keep my language pg-13)

She's also really competitive. During games in PE, she'd be all, "OH MY GOD. I HAVEN'T PLAYED THIS GAME IN 2 YEARS." Saying that as if it's an excuse as to why she sucks in ping-pong. Or when she's really good at it, she boasts about it and is all, "Yeah. I rule at this game, when I played this at my old school, people feared me!" She tries to do everything by herself and she gets mad at us for not joining in. Then when we do join in, she tells us not to hog the ball/court/etc.

During volleyball she would smack the ball with one hand instead of setting it with two hands. She pretends to be all cute and shy, and a porn star. (I'm not kidding, we spent a day taking photography and she dressed up in a school girl outfit and gave us a look that only porn star gives) She's likable at times, but all she does is talk about the boys that are on the bus with her,part of her extracurricular activities, in her class. She's all "They all adore me! I don't want any of them though." But she keeps flirting with them. It doesn't make sense! It's just starting to piss me off. She even tells our secrets, our most confidential information that we only let friends in our little group know, to other people, including the people that supposedly likes her but she doesn't like back. I'm not jealous of her or anything, except maybe for her art skills hahah, but what's really pissing me off is how competitive she is during PE and how she can't shut up about how so many boys like her, and she doesn't want anything to do with them but she won't stop flirting with them. That and she's incredibly selfish when it comes to locker. She sticks her binders/textbooks/clothes in my locker and uses my stuff but when it comes to me occasionally using her textbook when I don't have mine at school, she develops an attitude and is all, "IT'S MINE!"

Am I wrong to think this? Because today, I started avoiding my friends just so I won't see her. All I could do was hug my best friend today for 5 minutes without looking at her. I left them at lunch and went to a quiet place to catch up on some school work. One of my friends likes her and accepted her because she grew up being told that it's not nice to judge or leave people out. My best friend finds her talkative and annoying sometimes, but the thing is, they don't have any classes with her so they often don't see the annoying side that I want to tell them about.

Should I just shrug this off, bottle it up, or just find some new friends to spend lunch with? Or am I just being too hard on her?

June 1st, 2010 at 05:34am