Weird Justin Beiber Dream...

Otay... i wanted to post this as a story, but i won't... IT WAS WEIRD! And i sure as HELL hope it has no meaning.

Ok, my mom was helping her friend, she's outta work and is selling candles, and a whole buncha ppl were at the party, and sum dude thought it'd be funny to bring a chimp into the party, but the chimp started to kill everyone, and the i was the only person left, and i locked myself in my room and climbed out my window, and ran to my friend's house and everyone in her family, (Even her father that i've never seen) was there, her grandma, grandpa(another someone i've never met) and mother, her sisters and brother, and her sister's ex-boyfriend, and so on and so forth were all there but she wasn't... And she's the real Justin Beiber fan, lol. But i closed the door to their house and asked if i could stay there for a few hours. They all said yes, which is weird because Tommy (Her older brother) hates me, and you know how in SpongeBob and other cartoons go, "THREE HOURS LATER" and suddenly it is three hours later? Well, that's what happened, and i was at my old daycare center's playground (IN MISSOURI!!!) and Justin Beiber was swinging, and David Hasselhoff was his body gaurd and he goes "Get away from Justin Beiber, bitch." And Justin goes, "No, David, let the girl talk." And i begin to explain the whole situation and he goes, "WE MUST VANQUISH THIS CHIMP!" And then, we walked down the street and we were at my house (IN FLORIDA) and Justin Beiber goes in and David and I begin to talk about kitchenware, if i remember correctly, and then Justin comes back out with the chimp's head and he goes, "I think i killed it." And i go, "YAYYYYYY!!!! I'M NOT DEAD!" And he magically brings everyone that died back to life and i kiss him, which i have NO desire of doing right this moment.

Think you know what it means? Write a comment, lol.
June 1st, 2010 at 05:11pm