Chicago, Cousins, Whoring, & A Publishing Company ><

I'm going to be gone for a few weeks in the near future. Chicago awaits and so does a room on campus with my name on it. I'll finally have some pictures to add here when I come back to Mibba. Then again, I might not have to leave from this site.
Yes, you know what that means.
I came home today from my second cousins hotel at the Casino to find that my mom bought me a lab top.

And I hate it. :D

I love my mom for buying me it but I really wish she didn't. Because my friend Angie has a lab top and the lit' bastard caught viruses so easily. I'm afraid that it'll happen to my lab top as well. (because I KNOW it will, eventually...) Then mom will have to spend more to get the thing fixed when she knows that sometimes we don't have the money. But I suppose that's just because of all the little things in between.....

(Food, Direct TV, Phone, Bills, The Internet, Water, More Bills, Having to pay $40-$60 to the guy who cuts our lawn every two weeks..)
I can excuse the last one because we might pay him $30 over because he has a family to support. And the Internet comes out of my pocket because I'm the only one using it in this family....

My cousins came over yesterday, not much else to say about that.... My eleven-year-old second cousin was cool. Turns out that I'm not the only one in this family that enjoys the smell of dead animal skins/fur! But I don't like the father.... I got the vibe from him that stated "Stuck up..."

And oh~ Publishing Company~

I really wish you didn't call my house because I was working one out of the four papers due the day I return to school. Because I didn't save yet and all the work went away. ><
But yeah, I've been getting stuff from Publishing Companies in my Yahoo account. One day I decide to stop being a hermit bitch and reply. So now I'm going to have to watch out for phone calls from them.
Because I dislike being on the phone for more then three hours. That's how long I was on the phone with some perky chick who didn't get the hints I was sending her. I'm not even finished with what I plan to do. And even though I told her this politely, she still continued.

But then she stopped to get real personal, and asked me about my age. I told her sixteen going on seventeen. Then she immediately went from professional adult conversation, to a conversation between an adult and a five-year-old.
I'm not kidding.
She explained to me what grammar errors and plagiarism was. To the point where she would have spelled them out if I didn't stop her.

It's a good thing I found a way to end the call before she asked my providence area. If I told her, she might have even started speaking slowly....

If you made it this far then you can whore out your stories. I'll comment if you comment on mine. Deal?
June 1st, 2010 at 09:02pm