Sweet Escape

Do you ever feel... just nonexistant? Well... that's what i've been feeling for the pastcouple od days. What's the big deal, you ask. Well, that is not a normal feeling for me. I just feel like I just want to escape into one of my stories, and be overwhelmed by my characters, because I think they'd pay attention to me. Some of them would anyway. I guess I just want to escape, for once. I'll bet a lot of people feel like that, but I really dream that i'm a character in my own stories. It's quite fun actually; being with the characters that I created.

Wow. Maybe I should do this more often, or buy a diary... with a LOCK of course. I feel better, talking about things. lol, i'm just babbling now, so i'll stop here.

June 2nd, 2010 at 06:56am