Am I not of consequence?

I feel as though I'm not much of consequence to anyone anymore. There are very few people who take the time to clear all the doubts I have. I just can't tell whether they believe what they are telling me or not. People seem to only see the bad qualities about me, and it hurts more then they could ever imagine. But I don't think that's what really bothers me anymore. It's the fact that because of those bad qualities the few really good qualities I have about me are completely overlooked. For as long as I can remember I have been in one of my best friend's shadows. No matter who it is they seem to outshine me every single time. Then not only do they overshadow me, but everyone else hates me becauase that particular person chose to spend their time with little ol'e me. I don't seem to have any traits that bring me into the spotlight that I love being in. I am a performer who loves having the attention my friends seem to be drawn too. As much as I love it, I can't always be the moral support. Maybe someday I'll finally be the person people want to be friends with, instead of the person people are jealous over. They aren't even jealous because of who I am. Just because of who I'm with.

If you read this strange rant please tell me what you think.

June 2nd, 2010 at 09:01am