One Man Chat #004

It's been so long... Too long in fact...
Greetings and welcome to One Man Chat No#4, Today's topic is "Chapter 8 development" and maybe something about my life.

So, Chapter 8 is still in writing, how long has it been? 6 months since the last chapter? Anyways, i hadn't been writing it because of university. So many assignments... in fact so many large assignments to do in such a small time, that they should of been handed in months ago. So by the looks of it, I might be quitting uni.

Anyways, i'm half way through the draft now, everything is good and flowing nicely. This will be the last chapter I write for this story. I might write a new story in the future, but i want to polish this up first, and see if i can make it sell-able (because I'd like some money for it *wink wink*)

In other news, MY BIRTHDAY IS SOON! WOO! I'll be going to see Derren Brown next week and then drinking the nights away for a few days, it shall be fun!

And with that, I hope you all have a fantastic summer, get that prefect tan and read my final chapter when it comes out.
June 2nd, 2010 at 05:12pm