Do you know anyone who's ever been electrocuted?

I'm just really curious about it right now. See, that right there is what happened to my brother today...

I was taking a nice nap when I get a call from my sister she said that my brother was hurt. Apparently, he was working with my dad and he was in a tree two storys high and... he got electrocuted from the power line and thrown out of the tree.

He fell TWO STORYS! and while he was heading for the ground on his head - that wouldn't be a good thing - the branches straightened him out and he landed on his stomach. Thank God he was out cold during all this.

This SUCKS! You know why? 'Cause this isn't the first accident that happened. A couple months ago he wasn't watching what he was doing and he ended up nipping the area right above his knee with a chainsaw. :/ Again, thank God he didn't get his knee.

Anyways, they suspected my bother got a couple broken ribs and a broken collarbone. But what's this? Thank God he only ended up with burns on his leg and huge gashes all over from the tree.

How lucky is this kid?

I feel worse for my dad and my older brother though. I mean, they had to watch the whole thing. I would've literally cried on the spot in fear that he was knocked dead. Rumor is, my dad was moving to try to catch him.

Ugh, why does this keep happening to him? Is it his carelessness or does God just like picking on him?

All I know is that he's sure going to have a lot of stories to tell his grandkids.
June 3rd, 2010 at 01:14am