
Well? What happened to them? The classics in music, movies, and literature. I happen to love them myself but nobody else agrees with me about it. Everyone I talk to enjoys Lady Gaga or Chiodos or some other pop or emo band. They read Twilight and Night World and watch the Saw series. So these things have taken over the classics.
I read constantly. I have to have something to read. I started reading the original Frankenstein book and it's amazing. The older stuff is truly awesome, the dialogue is great, the style is interesting and the concepts are great. I love old writing, especially H.P. Lovecraft. What a genius.
I can't live without music. It's my crack. But music these days truly sucks. I mean, a lot of these musicians have no talent. What you hear isn't even their real voice, and the music isn't real instruments. The crap I hear people listening to like rap and hip hop is not what I would call music. Am I the only one who appreciates good singing and true guitar riffs? Maybe I'm just stuck in a generation long since past but I love it that way. I am totally happy blowing off today's music and blasting some Zepplin.
Now movies aren't my forte. I'm not as into them as I am the last two topics. But they have become a little bit iffy too. It's all pointless gore and remakes these days. I miss the old black and white silent films and the old scary movies from the 50s. Phantom of the Opera was a great movie. And psychological terror films. What happened to those? Things that messed with your head instead of throwing blood at you. I loved those.
I guess everything I love is just old. Nobody likes any old stuff. It has to be brand new and fresh. And I just wish that it had never hid in it's little corner, all this awesome stuff. And what gets me is people these days think this stuff is really great. I'm all for opinions and free speech but I just don't get it. Perhaps something is up with my brain. But I don't care. I like how I am. I love my interests. I just wonder if anyone else likes it too.

1. Does anyone out in Mibbaland agree with me on this?
2. What is your favorite band?
3. Favorite book?
4. Favorite movie?
5. Am I just stuck in a generation that died or what?
June 3rd, 2010 at 01:39am